Re: Wakey Express- Groundshare : Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:42 pm
binks wrote:
In all fairness Speedy neither of those mergers were real just look at the distance between the fan bases
That's ok if thats what you want, and lets say 50 / 50 of the fans agree and the same disagree and walk, what does that give the merged club, the same as we have now,
I for one would never watch a fabricated team with no purpose than to satify the prats at Red Hall and the two monkeys on sky. I have supported Castleford from going as a young kid with my dad and still today (muffled numbers of years spoken quietly) I wont change and whats more i dont want to change, They can shove it as far up their ar$es as they can get it . As for the ground, the land at Newmarket is greenbelt, they wont get permission to take away above 200 acres of land. It has to go to the secretary of state if the council decides to give outline planning, They have no option because it goes away from the departure plan. This will take a minimum of 12 months from any permission. It will be too late