binks wrote:
I think you will all find the RFL are not removing anyone's ability to trade, They will be only be moving them from SL into The Championship, this does not stop them from trading.
And while I don't agree with 1 of the 3 getting kicked it will be there own fault, we have all vexed about for far too long with empty promises. The grounds should be up we have all had long enough .
Absolute rubbish. For a start we are all I assume talking about the three clubs getting there grounds. I certainly accept that if Trinity don't get the ground we are down thouh even then you could still challenge it. What we are talking about here is the idea that some have that even if all three clubs get a ground one will still bite the dust. It's this last bit that is in question and which is easily challenged.
If a club or company which is what they actually are meets all there requirements needed to trade in SL but is still culled to allow another company in then this is undoubtedly a restriction on their ability to trade and an unfair one in the eyes of the REAL law.
Are you seriously suggesting that the removal of a guaranteed near one million pounds a year from SKY alone won't have a catastrophic effect on the business - one that will almost certainly lead to bankruptcy for the club and full scale redundancies.
I can assure you it will and any BOD will be obliged to fight this decision on behalf of the shareholders. RL is not a magical world where the rules of real life don't exist, a shareholder or an employee of Wakefield, Cas or Salford has exactly the same rights as if the company in question was Tesco or Rolls Royce.
The fact is that the RFL/SL can set up any rules it likes, but it has no power at all to enforce them - only a court can do that.