The sensible and good supporters of RL will know and respect that 99.9% of the supporters attending home, or away game, are no different from ourselves. In that they enjoy the game, sing song, banter and spirit of RL in just the same way that we do also. However, every so often there is an absolute minority within the sport who take on board just a bit too much alcohol, sun or 'peer' pressure and make a complete fool of themselves. Whether this happens, before, during, after, in the ground....or out of the ground is irrelevant. We as a sport don't need it, and every action should be taken to get rid of it.
As a Cas fan I would welcome the Hull FC fans to Cas on each and every occasion! The one person who was 'out of order' yesterday, will not spoil my enjoyment of will not spoil my enjoyment of future games between Cas and Hull FC.....and it will not spoil the hospitality and welcome that the majority of Cas fans have for all visiting fans.
So, c'mon let's not get bogged down bitching and calling each other names in reflection of the 'Fools of the Past' who may have tried to mar our sport, let's get on with enjoying some good old RL in the spirit in which it was intended to be played, supported and enjoyed!
C'mon Cas!!!