: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:06 am
At reading the cr@p from a fellow supporter I thought I would add my two penneth to the stadia argument since it appears that there is some useful discussion.
It seems to make economic sense to share the stadium. There is no doubt about that. If the stadium could be double fronted so from one entrance would be Wakefield and would be the home stand for Wakie and the the other Castleford it would allow each club to maintain it's identity and to have separate facilities, shops and branding with the possibility of shared resources reducing operating costs (groundsmen / stewards / hot dog vendors. etc). Cas fans can approach from one way and see their stadium and Wakie fans the other and see their stadium. How often do you walk around the stadium to see the other stands?
Each separate stand could have it's own season tickets which wouldn't cause a problem on Derby day and it would get more use as a game would be there pretty much weekly. planning for overlapping fixtures would be easy with a 24hour turnaround.
Brand identity would be the key though as other shared stadia (Galpharm as an example) are often sanitised of their club identity and become a faceless feature.
You thoughts?