casman2 wrote:
Canturbury forward Grant Millington on 2 year deal (played 6 games for the Bulldogs and scored 1 try)
Warrington forward Lee Mitchell on 1 year loan (played 32 games for the Wolves and scored 3 tries)
Let's just take a moment to reflect on RW's comments from only a few months ago.
1) We will appoint a coach that can bring at least 6 top class players to the club!
2) We will be looking to sign quality....not quantity!
.....and the outcome is a guy that has played only 6 games for the Bulldogs, and another guy that most will be scratching their heads and saying who's he then, that name doesn't ring a bell?
Either way though...welcome to the club, give us 100% of whatever you have to give...and you'll be made most welcome by the fans!!