Re: Wakey Express- Groundshare : Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:17 pm
marshman wrote:
Don't you just hate it when people do that, making up stuff to suit their own argument.
Ah nice one tb, you spotted it before me. Don't you just hate it when people make stuff up to suit their own argument!
But ffs Wakey fans, don't come on here spouting blatant lies to make your progression sound better than it really is and even more importantly, better than our own progression. Propaganda is used in wars, not stadium building, so keep all that crap that some of you have in your heads that you seem to think is "the truth" and leave it there. Stop coming on here or telling the world that you know a guy in India who has the contract to hand mould the bricks that will be used to build your stadium. We're both in need of the stadiums and we're both in the same boat. It's not a competition between us to win the one and only place left in SL. I don't understand how any Cas or Wakey fan can begrudge the other anything when we are so similar in needs right now. For me it's similar to when we beat Widnes in the GF. I'll always sympathise with them because they are as big a club as us and we could have so easily been in their position right now. So get on with doing all you can for your clubs and supporting your team and feck right off with all this crap that seems to be flooding our boards, especially the crap that is totally untrue!
Ah nice one tb, you spotted it before me. Don't you just hate it when people make stuff up to suit their own argument!
But ffs Wakey fans, don't come on here spouting blatant lies to make your progression sound better than it really is and even more importantly, better than our own progression. Propaganda is used in wars, not stadium building, so keep all that crap that some of you have in your heads that you seem to think is "the truth" and leave it there. Stop coming on here or telling the world that you know a guy in India who has the contract to hand mould the bricks that will be used to build your stadium. We're both in need of the stadiums and we're both in the same boat. It's not a competition between us to win the one and only place left in SL. I don't understand how any Cas or Wakey fan can begrudge the other anything when we are so similar in needs right now. For me it's similar to when we beat Widnes in the GF. I'll always sympathise with them because they are as big a club as us and we could have so easily been in their position right now. So get on with doing all you can for your clubs and supporting your team and feck right off with all this crap that seems to be flooding our boards, especially the crap that is totally untrue!
What wakey fans, there is only the one what has mentioned anything, on the other hand if you care to go on the Wakey board you will see who is spouting all the crap squire, gasbag,riggins,bigalf, and ambernotyeller to name but a few and not very pleasant with it either, we have made our statement of intent, I suggest your club do the same and get about your business of building your new stadium instead of trying to pick holes in the statement read out at our game yesterday.