Quote DJKYLE="DJKYLE"I'm really surprised people don't see the improvement under franchise (attendance has dipped but I feel this is more to do with more people than ever now having sky and limited funds in our areas).
Who's improved under licensing?
Catalan have made huge improvements.
Wakefield seem to improving year on year.
Widnes currently have as many points as they did last year. If they'd been relegated would the promoted team be on their per? No.
Huddersfield are improving much in the same way Wakefield are; albeit further up the table.
Saints have always been near the top end, this year they've struggled.... Due to the Improvement of other teams in the league.'"
All those teams haven't finished bottom under licencing so why couldn't they improve under P&R ????
Saints downfall is more to do with the cream of British RL retiring within a few seasons at the club. How do you replace Long, Sculthorpe, Cunningham etc etc ????
Quote DJKYLE="DAVE@CAS1990"If there was relegation to consider, do you really think this would change???
£21 for rubbish, or £21 for potentially relegated rubbish - nobody buys an over priced product.
When I starter going to SL games in 1998, it was £12 to get into cas and £5 for kids.
Castleford especially only have theirselves to blame for not making the most of licencing.
It was near enough the same price when we were in NL1 and as many (if not more) were coming through the gates. Under P&R our crowds whatever the league (and we haven't been any good in 10 years now) we were getting more in. What do you suggest we do to sell a game between ourselves and Salford with nothing to play for ???
Quote DJKYLE="DAVE@CAS1990"Catalans, Wakefield, Huddersfield, Widnes, and now Salford are all making the most of it.
We need to question why we aren't, not the structure of the system.
Do you think it would be beneficial for any club to endure what we did during P&R???'"
Endured what in P&R ??? a massive 2 relegations in our whole history
Salford. Wakey and Widnes are your examples of franchising working ???? 1 play off spot between all of them since its started.......big time !!!!
Quote DJKYLE="DAVE@CAS1990"my point is, no matter how you structure the league, there will always be mid-table teams, top teams, and bottom teams.
I hate to compare, but look at the Premier League. How many times do you switch sky sports on, see that West Brom are playing Stoke and think "eurgh".
The reason Cas are playing meaningless fixtures now isn't down to the league structure, it's down to us. And our lack of improvements season after season.
Why don't we join the Chmpionship and lets make a push for the title, give us something to play for...
I can't believe people are saying they'd rather us be playing to avoid relegation, than playing with the stability of security - which gives us time to plan for the following season!'"
Top teams play to be league leader
Mid Table play for the play offs
Bottom play for .....errrm well nothing
Your using the PL as an example ??? the league with p&r that is one of the worlds most successful competitions ???
Of course id rather have P&R (With as I say a 1 year exemption to build for the promoted team like Catalans did and Widnes have had chance to do). It would at least make me look forward to Cas games again and have something to fight for apart from trying to finish above Wakey.
Quote DJKYLE="DAVE@CAS1990"dunno about the tin-hat, I'm getting a brolly though cause it's raining bullcrap.
Licencing hasn't had chance to work, so nobody can pass judgment.
Though the differences it has made, are all positive.
Crusaders, Wakefield, Salford and Bradford having financial trouble was through bad management - which may I add has since been rectified and three of the four teams are far stronger as a result of the stability that the licence system has offered.
Bad management ??? from whom ??? the accountancy company who passed all the above clubs financial plans and said Halifax couldn't enter SL because the finances were too speculative ????
Also aren't HKR struggling now too ???
All positive
Quote DJKYLE="DJKYLE"Exactly what I'm trying to say mate spot on. Licensing seems to have worked for everyone apart from Cas.
That's down to bad board management year on year.
I couldn't believe it when I went to watch Us down the lane against Leeds at the beginning of the season. Out of order toilets on the first game?? Simple things and it clearly vexed off a lot of people around me.
The heavens were pouring and the entrance gates were a foot deep in water. How hard would it have been for a few of the staff to sweep this away before the gates opened? A couple of sandbags at each entrance is all we put on for fans to attempt to step over. In this day in age that's not good enough. You're not paying just to watch the team anymore, it's the whole experience of the day.
CAS need young fresh ideas from people who have moved with the times.'"
Worked well for everyone .... apart from Salford, Wakey, Us and pretty much every club the the national leagues. So worked well for about 10 clubs which would have been ok under any system !!!!
Are you seriously suggesting that people are stayiong away from games not because theres nothing to play for or that standards are down but because of toilets out of order on the first game ???? If that were the case how come the 2 homes games after were Catalans: 5205(with no away support) and Wigan: 7852 down to 3222 against Huddersfield (less than we have sold season tickets) and 3986 vs Widnes mid season.