As usual, I can see little middle ground. I can conceive a 1999 style run where Basil pushes all the buttons, injuries are kind and we genuinely make 6th.
Similarly, I can see a poor start, with quality missing from the first few weeks and us then rushing players back, ultimately damaging them further and our support goes feral and we have a stinker.
I would love the former, dread the latter, I do worry about our fans sometimes, we got away with it last season becuase the start was so good, but I have seen a lot of times that if the gravy isnt flowing early season, corwd gets a neg on, Basil will be crap, Squad will be poor, usual set of moans and doesnt help anyone.
My only hope is that we get a home atmoshere, win or lose and people go away from our ground thinking that our supporters rock and whatever happens we are loyal to our team.