El Rey wrote:
Yes i agree, calling people brain dead and morons is just the ticket.
Any person who ever he is, what ever club he supports, as the right to post on this forum without being ridiculed by other fans because he make spelling mistakes or gets mixed up with the grammar, you had a fan from your club doing it to the same lad, but it's only a bit of fun int it, NOT to the person who is being ridiculed, but if you think these keyboard bullies aren't morons, & making good use of their brain then fare enough.
Before i got injured i could spell, i knew my grammar, but now i have to sit in a chair & taking an age to try to type on forums, but people like these don't think anyone should be allowed to post if thats the case make the forum a private member one.
So if you think me calling these people morons, & brain dead for bullying a young lad, do what your supposed to do, BAN ME for telling the truth, it matters very little to me,.. the people who think it's OK, carry on but i would not like to be associated or converse with BULLY'S! be it by abusing peoples disability's, or any other kind.