Re: Information on Matchday Changes : Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:05 am
DJKYLE wrote:
Don't talk out of your bumhole mate, the segregation was not well managed at all.
Hey, it worked for me...
DJKYLE wrote:
It meant that anyone wanting to go to the bar had to travel the full width of the ground to do so. ONE SINGLE catering unit in the princess street stand for 5000 people. One block of toilets because the other was out of order. Disgusting "service".
The full width of the ground. What... 60 metres is too far to walk? How did you manage to make it from your car to the ground?
I take it you chose the Princess Street Stand then, and that you've been to Cas before. Didn't you already know our cr&ppers aren't going to win any awards? The state of the bogs Darn t'lane is a long standing problem, but it's wrong to try and use that or the food outlets to slag off the WRE being members only. Two unrelated issues. There were plenty of food points and serviceable (if admittedly rustic) loos around the main stand side of the ground. And even from the diagonally opposite stand they're just a minute or two's walk away.
DJKYLE wrote:
The wheldon road end had plenty of space free and the rest of the ground was squashed in - dangerously in some areas i might add in an emergency.
Funny, I walked round three quarters of the ground yesterday (between the WRE, the marquee and the Supporters Club bar) a couple of times - The only 'squash' I saw was early doors in the marquee, when all the prematch dance kids were in there sheltering from the rain. Sure I went round the back of the main stand and not through the Princess Street stand, but even so it didn't look 'dangerous' or 'squashed' at any time. There are maximum safe capacities for all the different areas of WR, and I doubt Cas would have allowed them to be exceeded at any point. Plus I'm sure my mate who always stands in Princess Street would have mentioned anything 'dangerous' when I chatted to him after the game. Should I cast aside the law, Cas' moral obligation to care for customers and the total lack of any concern from other people I know were in there, just to accept your subjective and agenda driven assessment? Or could it be you're over dramatising to try and make a point stick?
DJKYLE wrote:
I've also never heard the ground chant so less for such a busy occasion - why? Because The non-member cas fans were scattered all over the place.
Again, subjective. It sounded great in the WRE, and most of the players who tweeted after the game seemed to be pretty happy with the noise from the Cas fans.