The most frustrating parts of this season are:
Team policy-Why do we let the likes of Davies, Thompson, and Brierley go out on loan to championship clubs? Davies and Thompson for me have performed well more often than not, I'd love to see Brierley given a chance in the first team one day. Meanwhile the likes of Grehan, Millington, Nash etc just aren't good enough. And then to make it worse, we get in players like Williams who I don't think is any better than Griffin! Plus there are players currently in positions which I just don't think are suited to them-Owen and Dixon are wingers for me, not centres and fullbacks.
Teamwork-Watching last Saturday's match, what struck me was how there were a lot of good individual performances, but few players seemed to be working as a team. Take the Wakefield Try where it bouced over Youngquest's head-he's clearly telling Owen to get back, fair enough for whatever reason Owen doesn't respond, the ball bounces over Youngquest's head but Wakefield still have a bit to do. In the background the players are just watching, at the last minute Chase gives chase (!) and isn't far off making a tackle. Had even 2 or 3 players reacted just a few seconds earlier, they might have prevented the try.