Quote Big Man="Big Man"4165 v Cas, 4082 v Wigan, you will never see SL if that is all you can muster for the 2 biggest games you've had in years and no doubt 90% of them will crawl back into their holes and you'll have another crowd of 795 v Hunslet OB. You are being used as a vehicle to promote Probiz, wake up and smell the coffee Fev you're being had for mugs on the back of empty promises.'"
Its actually quite funny now I can fair feel the pain coming from some of the cas fans on here. Not all by the way some have had the sportsmanship to congratulate Fev.
Big Man and all the Fev haters on here,the day is fast approaching where the RFL have to abandon this current system in SL and sure as night follows day some of the daft criteria will go as well.
What showed again last night as it did against you lot in front of a sky audience is that the gulf between so called part timers and the elite is more of an urban myth.
What it also shows is that the product is also more important than how many fans you get through the gates..its called "Super League Rugby" not how many fans do you have.
Now I am a realist and have over the years had differing views on merger and I know this will not be popular with some fev fans and wakey fans but here goes.
If the day ever comes when it is decided that we are to merge then the only team I would consider supporting would be a wakey-Fev option.
Why Wakey ? well to me in Wakey I see a club not dissimilar to our own in its approach to things on and off the field at this present time.
In cas I see a club full of arrogance who believe because they are in SL they are something special,well have a sniff at that coffee Bigman and others. I would suggest you look at your other forum. Your fans are not happy,sponsors walking away from the club,CEO mrs slagging off sponsors,allegedly according to your cas forum members and so the cas tragedy goes on.
So anytime you want bringing back down to earth,come over to POR and we will serve you up a big mug of that coffee again like we did in front of the cameras tuther week