Having stated my feelings towards this player/the incidents involving him in the competition i have now e-mailed the club to request they apply pressure and the RFL to take further action regarding what he has since confessed to.
I respect Rangi's position to leave what happens on the field, on the field (at what point does this end - attempting to end a players career, racial abuse, homophobic abuse ???).
I feel very strongly this incident and admission made should now be taken further by the relevant parties if nothing else to reduce the risk of another players career being brought to a premature end and sending out the right signals to our youngster many of who play the game and see these players as role models.
I feel certain if the incident resulted in serious injury that ruled Rangi out of the final and/or resulted in him missing the season ahead, the England organisation and the club would have persued this matter further, the fact it didn't should not deter from the action taken.
A two game ban (that will be served in pre season friendly's) is an insult to everyone involved and after the admission made, to have even considered an appeal against the original ban is nothing short of disgracefull.
We support a game that lives by, and even more with time and experience upholds the well being of the players both physicaly and mentaly.
We as a club promote and play a recording several times a game reminding fans of the games respect policy. As a club we have been punished for misdemenours on the terraces and now its time the game took a stand against this kind of behaviour from players also.
I am not condoning these actions but we are not talking about some one retaliating or throwing a punch, we are not talking about a high tackle, we are not talking about biting, take Mr Hock's ban just as an example for gouging - after stating a certain member of the coaching team wanted blood, the man has openly admitted he tried to break his leg.
''Son you go out onto the field in your under 8's final, pick out one of the other teams most dangerous players and try and break his leg - its ok you wont get sent off your team will stand a better chance of winning and you might only miss a couple unimportant games next season as a result''.
I have taken the time, and so should they !