very red robin wrote:
Quick question for the regulars who see him week in week out.
Would you say hes consistantly a great player?
From what ive seen he tends to drift in and out of games rather then been a constent threat at every chance; and seems to disappear when it gets tough or you fall behind in a game (this may be due to the fact he is a marked man and gets to much pressure on him when you are on the back foot)
Just wonder what your thoughts are as you see him week in week out..
IMO It's very rare to see him 'disappear' in a game, If the pack are on top you really do notice him because he has the time and space to mesmerise the opposition and it shows really well on the TV.
Although when the pack aren't on top it's either, he's still trying and on occasion along with others too much and hence things don't come off, or we tend to play too much one man rugby so he doesn't tend to get the ball as much.
I think the start of the season showed Rangi in the former during the time when we had our pack was at full strength, once the pack was decimated we weren't on top as much so he didn't have the time or ball as much.