He was excellent today.Something tells me he enjoyed himself today. The fans were chanting his name, and ge gave them his thumbs up. He scored. Not a bad first day at the office!
Did the fans change his name when they sung to him ?
George Bush says 'we are losing the war on drugs'. Well you know what that implies? There's a war going on, and people on drugs are winning it! Well what does that tell you about drugs? Some smart, creative motherfookers on that side."
His contract at wire doesnt start till next year. He is still fully contracted at Leigh for this season. No dual reg.
He is contracted to Wire now but have an agreement with Leigh that they would send him bakc on Dual Reg till end of the season. I dont think they had enough space on cap now!
It's another body on board and at this stage of the season it's probably the best we could have hoped for. I was somewhat critical of Rob Parker's loan signing initially and have got to admit that his impact has been just what we needed. Here's hoping that Ben Davies has a similar effect.
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