It is an impossible quandary for those involved.
On the one hand, Mr Reilly is being constructive and I believe he is speaking heart felt sense.
There are those publically speaking out against, protesting and opposing what they perceive as wrong doing when in fact "Opposition" is the easiest and most pointless position to be in, you only have to listen to PMQ's for that, you get to complain about what someone else is doing without having to constructively test your own ideas and put any skin in the game. Then again, you have to feel like you are doing something otherwise you are arguably complicit!
Extremely difficult situation for all people to manage at this stage, but there are things being played out in the public arena which should be private.
It is difficult to reconcile when someone says "This is how to fix it" and a board or a manager won't allow the investment, I dont know Mr Ferris well enough to know if he had explored and examined cash positive options first, probably. We know Nick had limited commercial experience, so I can't blame him for struggling to adjust to the real world of work in a company with shareholders and directors, but his loyalty to Steve F is commendable.
I had a look at myself; if CTRLFC went pop tomorrow was there anything I could have done? Probably, I have a narrow but extremely effective skill set which might help, so I have written formally offering my input.
At least come good or bad, I can now look at myself knowing at least I tried! The time is now to look at converging lottery, tigers together, supporters club and all these elements into a consildated group, small factions matter, a songle united group is formidable, if they come together for good, not for opposition.