: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:40 pm
pyeman wrote:
Havent seen you on here in a while vasty, but when i saw this thread i knew it wouldnt be long before you had something to say.
Outscoring all those other forwards in the league wasnt bad for a work in progress last year was it?
No it wasn't, but when you consider there was serious talk of him captaining the England team this Four Nations it put's it in context.
I have no real complaints about Smith team selection. I think Brough deserved a shot ahead of Myler. You probably think the same about Westerman - but the truth is neither are international standard at this exact moment IMHO. However Westerman may be one day where as Broughy won't IMHO. I bring this up because those I named have all the ingredients including experience so fair call to Smith. Westeman didn't get a fringe spot because unlke Tomkins his form running up to this comp was not mega if your honest. On top of that you didn't make the play offs which IMHO tends to put players out of mind.
The other more positive thing that holds Westerman back is that we now have a lot more good players than 5 years ago which makes it that much harder to gain a spot. I fairnes would you drop Ellis, Burgess, Westwood or Wilkins? I wouldn't.
It's just opinion.
PS, scoring loads of tries in SL does not make you an International class player - Jamie Rooney - need I say more