I think you're been a bit harsh on 'these kids' (Charlie Martin 22 y.o ,James Clare 23 y.o?) tbh every player young or old makes mistakes for example Chubbs knocked on yesterday ,Tanse made a mess of the Kick off , Rangi can make a mistake every game (although he was awesome yesterday) take the Salford away game for instance, point is every mistake made from senior players or the younger players could potentially cost us .
The problem aint just the 'Kids' ,senior players made a hash of the kick off return yesterday when Sammut scored and also senior players were trying to defend when Scruton twisted and went over for another soft try.
Its a team thing defensively at the moment ,Guys are switching off too easy imho BUT I have faith that Darryl will sort it out for next year .
Delboy66(aye of the tigers fanzine)