Quote Tigerade="Tigerade"We all know - deep down that Tigers only chance of playing at Newmarket will be in an away game once a year. We will never share a stadium out of Castleford with WTW. The BOD know that and so do the fans, the RFL and so do Wakey. It would be the end of Castleford Tigers within a season. The same would apply to WTW playing at GH.'"
I think the majority of both sets of fans would agree with you and that is why two stadiums are important both to the clubs and to the district as a whole.
Quote Tigerade="Tigerade"RW is doing his job - he is defending his club, our club and, although its a shame that it has come to this he has had to remind people of the details of the feasability study arrangements last year (that didn't happen) and Wakey's point blank refusal.'"
I think the issue remains not what he has written, there is nothing in there he has not written or said in the media already (albeit with a Cas bias, same as any other club would do though). But the fact that it was Barton Willmore who asked him to write this letter and he wrote that letter knowing full well that Barton Willmore are being paid and acting on behalf of an objector and that they intended to use that letter as part of their clients objection case at the Public Inquiry. Again, if you can't see that he should have take the advice you seem to be advocate in this post, to concentrate on his own plans, then I think you are misguided.
Quote Tigerade="Tigerade"WTW choice of location (Newmarket) was deliberatly pointed towards Castleford in the only hope of a groundshare arrangement to fund the running costs. Why didn't they choose any of the other locations? They need CT to make it feasable or it won't happen. Their latest ploy is to state that the proposed stadium is fully funded - it isn't by any means.'"
You are wrong here, the location has nothing to do with being 'nearer' Castleford, the site was chosen because it was a preferred site option by WMDC to full the legal requirement to supply 51ha of the 95ha of B8 development land required on the M62 corridor. WMDC approached the site promoter, Yorkcourt, about a section 106 agreement to partially fund the building of a community stadium, as also required in the LDF core strategy. They agreed on the basis of more planning gain and the rest is history. Equally, something you may have missed, because not much of fanfare has been made of it, Yorkcourt have agreed to fund the entire stadium and community sports facilities build, and will enter an agreement with the community trust to effectivley loan the remaining monies, I suspect interest free, on the proviso of grant funding paying back the loan, which can only be accessed once the stadium has planning. Ir is s bit of a chicken and egg thing! Andrew Piatt announced that the section 106 agreement, between the developer and WMDC, is likley to be signed during the PI and presented to the inspector. So, just be careful, the legal documents look likely to prove you wrong.
Quote Tigerade="Tigerade"I would be astonished if NM is passed in the PI. There are several major hurdles they face yet. Firstly convincing the PI that the district needs more warehouse space and secondly the greenbelt issue. Then the wastage going through Methley village. There is also some other major hoops for them to jump through - the generals on the Wakey forum know too well about all of these and are sending out a very confident message to the rank and file but I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't one or two other issues that will make RW's letter pale into insignificance.'"
Hmmm, again, you need to be careful. The requirement for the additional 95ha is a legal requirement of the LDF, which is in force, so no one needs or is even trying to convince the inspector otherwise, from either side, because that would stupid. The agreement that Wakefield needs the additional 95ha is not in question, sorry, you are just two years too late with that argument! There are people, Barton Willmore (acting again for Newmarket objectors), Methley Residents Assoc and Oulton Society who are trying to convince the inspector holding the site specific LDF hearings, that other sites should have been chosen over Newmarket and also "what does M62 corridor mean! All the alternative sites are green-belt BTW... just so you know.
The issue of green belt is the key one and that is what the majority of 'discussion' centres around at the PI
The whole Methley vthing and traffic is rubbish, always has been, but they will still argue otherwise.
There are a few other hoops to jump through, but people have them covered!
Quote Tigerade="Tigerade"If NM does get passed CT will carry on with plans for GH and let Opus continue with negotiations - its not the end of the world for us and I'm not one of these fans that think the district can only have 1 new stadium.
Time for us to concentrate on our own plans.'"
We agree on this one and I for one hope you do get the stadium you need and deserve. The district can support three, never mind two stadiums.
However, I think for Opus read Yorkcourt and vice versa! It might not be green-belt, but much is very similar!