faxcar wrote:
Not only that you have a group of supporters mentioning how important it is to them for securities to be in place for the future of the clubs at the Shay but at the time of submitting a proposal they haven’t decided what they are!
Wouldn’t they think that the clubs themselves would want the same things in place and get things as watertight as possible?
Sounds like any securities that include the Shaymen will be okay and any that don’t won’t be to me.
I understand the anxieties to all involved and there is many unanswered questions, there is a handful of reasonable characters on shaymen.net but then there are some who are either blinded by historical hate or just plain thick to be polite.
I can't speak for db and it must be frustrating having an owner who is moreorless mute. I can only speak for the information I have which is obviously rugby based and I would be very shocked if they entered into an agreement which jeopardised the future of the club . Having said that the power players are the council and davy so anything is possible.