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Re: Brexit disaster : Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:26 pm  
Scarlet Pimpernell wrote:
The stamping of the passport results from the fact that because of our status we are only allowed a maximum of three months in any six month period in the eu. It is therefore necessary to have an entry and exit stamp to confirm your compliance and yes they do check it.

The Brexit liars are still pretending this is all the fault of the evil EU. Its really pathetic - and so transparent a lie to all but the most devoted to the Brexit cult.
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:27 am  
wrencat1873 wrote:
Sal, customs dont and never have opened every box or package entering the county and never have.
As you know, much of what comes in or out, is based on trust, with post checks etc. Container freight does get x rayed but, it always was and always will be possible to
smuggle goods in and out of the country.
The Brexit issues are additional admin costs and delays in moving goods, which varies depending on where they are going and what you are sending/receiving.
One thing that has massively reduced is small trades and online transactions both in and out of the EU as the administration costs are generally prohibitive.
Also, there is absolute necessity to have your passport checked and stamped, which wasn't the case pre Brexit but, that is what "we" voted for.
Freedom of movement ceased in both directions.

Did you ever go within the EU when we were members and not have your passport checked - I never did - it was always checked. The idea that the EU was free movement without checks is a fallacy
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:29 pm  
Sal Paradise wrote:
Did you ever go within the EU when we were members and not have your passport checked - I never did - it was always checked. The idea that the EU was free movement without checks is a fallacy

Have you actually travelled from the UK into the EU since Brexit? I can only assume not.

And while we're here let's deal with the straw man - no the EU wasn't about free movement without checks, nobody said it was given we were outside Schengen. But if you're still trying to pretend the checks that happened before we left are in any way similar or take the same amount of time as the ones that happen, by insistence of the British government, now we have left then... well let's just say you're misinformed.

Brexit was all about reintroducing friction and red tape into areas where we and generations past had tried, for mutual benefit, to remove it, to help people move more easily and goods get to market more promptly. People who voted for such a silly thing despite being told this was the case, despite being warned about the damage it would cause and the bureaucracy it would add and the time that would be wasted, really have a cheek to come back now and complain about it.
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:38 pm  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
The Brexit liars are still pretending this is all the fault of the evil EU. Its really pathetic - and so transparent a lie to all but the most devoted to the Brexit cult.

Are all these Brexit liars belonging to the Brexit cult a cross section of the general public or are they just tory voters?
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:58 pm  
chissitt wrote:
Are all these Brexit liars belonging to the Brexit cult a cross section of the general public or are they just tory voters?
I don't have figures in front of me Chissy old bean but let's see...
Brexit voters were more likely to be old, white and misinformed by years of reading anti-EU propaganda from the right wing press.
Tory voters are more likely to be old, white and constantly in a fury due to misinformation they read in the right wing press.

I wonder if there may be some crossover?
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Aug 08, 2022 3:00 pm  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
I don't have figures in front of me Chissy old bean but let's see...
Brexit voters were more likely to be old, white and misinformed by years of reading anti-EU propaganda from the right wing press.
Tory voters are more likely to be old, white and constantly in a fury due to misinformation they read in the right wing press.

I wonder if there may be some crossover?

Do you have anything substantial to support your theory, or is it an educated guess?
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Aug 08, 2022 3:25 pm  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
Have you actually travelled from the UK into the EU since Brexit? I can only assume not.

And while we're here let's deal with the straw man - no the EU wasn't about free movement without checks, nobody said it was given we were outside Schengen. But if you're still trying to pretend the checks that happened before we left are in any way similar or take the same amount of time as the ones that happen, by insistence of the British government, now we have left then... well let's just say you're misinformed.

Brexit was all about reintroducing friction and red tape into areas where we and generations past had tried, for mutual benefit, to remove it, to help people move more easily and goods get to market more promptly. People who voted for such a silly thing despite being told this was the case, despite being warned about the damage it would cause and the bureaucracy it would add and the time that would be wasted, really have a cheek to come back now and complain about it.

I've been to Greece, Portugal and Spain on several trips since we left the EU and have had no delays or issues whatsoever their end.
Just seems to be France for some reason :THINK:
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:22 pm  
wotsupcas wrote:
I've been to Greece, Portugal and Spain on several trips since we left the EU and have had no delays or issues whatsoever their end.
Just seems to be France for some reason :THINK:

I've entered the EU via Greece, France, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Denmark and Sweden since the UK left. There were huge delays for people from the UK entering Denmark in particular (Copenhagen airport was a complete breeze before); Greece and Italy were much worse than before but not as bad as Denmark. The worst delay caused by Brexit I've had was entering the EU from Albania where we can no longer go via the fast queue, that was something like a two hour job.

I've been through Dover six times and it's been ok on each occasion, although not in peak summer. Much slower than before of course but we've not experienced queues of more than half an hour there so far.

But the long and short of it is, we are at the mercy of how much extra cost these countries want to incur to make a small bunch of little Englanders feel less insecure about themselves. It's the complete opposite of taking back control.
Re: Brexit disaster : Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:48 am  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
I've entered the EU via Greece, France, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Denmark and Sweden since the UK left. There were huge delays for people from the UK entering Denmark in particular (Copenhagen airport was a complete breeze before); Greece and Italy were much worse than before but not as bad as Denmark. The worst delay caused by Brexit I've had was entering the EU from Albania where we can no longer go via the fast queue, that was something like a two hour job.

I've been through Dover six times and it's been ok on each occasion, although not in peak summer. Much slower than before of course but we've not experienced queues of more than half an hour there so far.

But the long and short of it is, we are at the mercy of how much extra cost these countries want to incur to make a small bunch of little Englanders feel less insecure about themselves. It's the complete opposite of taking back control.

I have been to Spain and Croatia and the queues are definitely longer than before Brexit - part of which is the Covid documentation which as much as everyone wants to blame Brexit is a completely separate issue. However compared to visiting the US its a breeze - unless of course you do US immigration in Dublin :D

I was a leaver primarily because of the creep of influence of the EU over its members - in my day to day life I can honestly say I haven't seen a downside - no empty shelves, wage inflation, can still travel freely in the EU albeit with longer queues etc. I haven't seen the promised upsides either - other than wage inflation. At the time 9bn sounded like a lot of money but the cost of the pandemic has put that into perspective. This government - I am also a Tory supporter - is a disgrace, yes we had a pandemic but its inability to concentrate on key issues is abject and embarrassing. It had only one strategy - project protect "Big Dog". Johnson should have been gone months ago and the new PM in place by the end of July - this vacuum is both dangerous and incompetent. People will not be able to pay these utility bills - don't give people more money stop the prices going up as in France. Yes the impact financially is the same but you stop people using the money for other things and getting into debt they cannot get out of. The £20 universal credit needs putting back in place immediately - rant over
Re: Brexit disaster : Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:12 pm  
Sal Paradise wrote:
I was a leaver primarily because of the creep of influence of the EU over its members
Can you give us examples of this "influence" that "the EU" had that you didn't like?

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