Yep, pretty much. A very artistic, beautiful looking game where you're not really given any indication as to what is going on. You're just planted in the middle of a desert with a huge mountain in the distance. You set off towards it and just enjoy the experience.
Might give it a go if a demo comes out. I've had the demo for Flower on my console for a couple of years now. Played it a few times and quite enjoyed it but never really fancied getting the whole game. Think its the motion sensor thing that puts me off not really a fan of that sort of stuff. Its the reason I've never really fancied getting Move or a Wii!
Just started this. I see there is a lot of negative press about the ending - lots of people giving it 1 star reviews on Amazon saying the ending completely ruins what is otherwise a great game. There's even a Facebook group demanding a new ending as DLC. Don't think I'll be finding out for some time!
Just started this. I see there is a lot of negative press about the ending - lots of people giving it 1 star reviews on Amazon saying the ending completely ruins what is otherwise a great game. There's even a Facebook group demanding a new ending as DLC. Don't think I'll be finding out for some time!
Given that the creators worked so hard to create such a vivid galaxy full of such varied and interesting life forms, all with their own brilliantly thought up back stories, historical moments and potential futures, the ending is a massive slap in the face to all those players who have put around 100 hours of their time into the Mass Effect trilogy. There are plot holes, inconsistencies and a complete lack of closure. It really is that bad.
What's worse is that those cynical gamers (myself included) now fully expect EA/Bioware to cash in on all this controversy by releasing some additional content - at a tidy price, of course - that will clear things up for us a bit more than the original ending does. Hell, maybe they even planned this all along, what a terrible thought.
A friend of mine has had it since last Friday and has already completed it, playing 25 hours. When I told him that I racked up 85 hours playing the first game, he looked at me in shock. His excuse was that he just fires through the games. He has missed all the side missions, scanning etc.
I told him that you don't "fire through" Mass Effect, it's just not on.
Given that the creators worked so hard to create such a vivid galaxy full of such varied and interesting life forms, all with their own brilliantly thought up back stories, historical moments and potential futures, the ending is a massive slap in the face to all those players who have put around 100 hours of their time into the Mass Effect trilogy. There are plot holes, inconsistencies and a complete lack of closure. It really is that bad.
What's worse is that those cynical gamers (myself included) now fully expect EA/Bioware to cash in on all this controversy by releasing some additional content - at a tidy price, of course - that will clear things up for us a bit more than the original ending does. Hell, maybe they even planned this all along, what a terrible thought.
Bugger. I thought the ending for 2 was laughable. If this is worse then I may not even bother.