'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
The darkest hour of any day is the one just before the dawn breaks Be kinder than is necessary.... everyone you encounter is fighting some kind of battle.
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
Somewhere in the dust of time rest the bones of the Galilean He who was spat upon. He whose face was marred beyond all human likeness Somewhere buried among the lies of the past rests the tomb of Yeshua Of he who was made God in a world without Hope. And when this son of Joseph is found. What then will the Church of Rome say? Prepare yourself for the day is coming. And men will say "Blessed are the wasted lives who perished in the flames of the holy war"
The darkest hour of any day is the one just before the dawn breaks Be kinder than is necessary.... everyone you encounter is fighting some kind of battle.
The darkest hour of any day is the one just before the dawn breaks Be kinder than is necessary.... everyone you encounter is fighting some kind of battle.