[quote="cod'ead"]None of which excuse making bigoted, xenophobic or iour opinion, of which i value very little, you can't help yourself can you with your 'i think i'm right you're wrong so i'll insult you attitude', your attitude stinks.
You're obviously an intelligent person why not add 'mature' to your CV too?
If you think you're right and think you have the moral and intellectual high ground on any subject why do you feel the need to insult any and every poster who disagrees with you?
My example was a small example simply because i'm on my mobile, it takes forever to type out. I'm not a racist, i've never been a racist and to be labelled one is frankly very insulting, religion in my opinion is a silly superstition YET i've no issue with other people wasting their Friday/Saturday/Sunday praying to the magic man, it's their choice.