Sal Paradise wrote:
Calm down - keep you Gieves & Hawkes on - just trying to stimulate the debate beyond the usual knuckle dragging pronouncements that you experience on here from the usual suspects!!
You - and others to be fair - are spectacularly missing the point. Here's the nub of the issue...
At the moment, companies from all over the world can either manufacture or warehouse goods in the UK and pay no duty when those good are sold in the EU. If we were to leave, this would no longer be the case. Those companies would then be faced with a choice between paying duty to move goods between the UK and the EU or simply bypassing the UK altogether and saving time and money.
Which do you think will be more attractive?
It's even more of a no-brainer for companies who have resellers in the UK. At the moment those goods attract duty when imported into the UK but none when sold on into the EU. Upon our exit they would be looking at paying duty TWICE if they kept the status quo or simply moving to an EU-based reseller and paying duty only once.
Not being in the EU makes business more expensive and therefore reduces the competitiveness of UK based companies. It really is that simple.