Sal Paradise wrote:
Because like all of us they pay what they consider a reasonable purchase price for the labour...
In many if not most cases, companies pay what they think they can get away with paying.
And since we have companies that compete on the grounds of price and price alone – regardless of the impact on British jobs etc – then they obviously will want to keep driving down pay (well, for the plebs on the shop floor, but not for themselves. Obviously).
That is called basic economics.
And in the 'real world' that you're sop fond of, high unemployment is a wonderful way to help drag down those wages.
There are loads of people who don't feel loved by their employer, who is driving down their pay, but they don't do anything about it – presumably because they're scared. Indeed, they tell others that they shouldn't complain or dare to fight back.
And for goodness sake – everyone pays National Insurance, not just the employer. And everyone pays other taxes too. Plenty of them. It isn't just the poor big business.