Re: VW : Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:36 am
I'm only surprised that people are surprised this has happened. Time will tell but when spot checks are done on other manufacturers' vehicles, we'll probably find that all, to varying degrees, have similar defeat software in their ECUs.
Some USVW execs will probably face jail time because unlike our fawning corporate laws, criminality does not have to come from board level down to be liable. The US EPA is also a very powerful organisation and takes breaches like this very seriously.
Around 15 years ago, I was involved in the vehicle emissions industry and assisted one major truck manufacturer in obtaining a Reduced Pollution Certificate to gain a reduction in VED. The RPC was introduced to encourage early adoption of the next stage of Euro particulate emissions legislation or the fitting of exhaust particulate traps. Particulate was measured by mass and by fitting a simple flow-through catalyst, I could reduce the particulate mass by over 10%, enough to gain RPC. The catalyst did not reduce any soot, all it did was reform the hydrocarbons that agglomerated to the carbon to water and CO2. Definitely not within the spirit of the law but way within the letter of the law