West Coast Mainline Deal Ditched : Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:04 am
Ministers have scrapped the decision to award the West Coast franchise to FirstGroup, saying the bidding process was and is flawed.Ministers have said 'there are significant technical flaws' in the bidding process, and the bid will have to be totally rerun.
Two independant reviews have been ordered, one for what has gone wrong and one into the Depertment for Transport rail franchise programme.
Long and short of it is (as a man in the know) the government saw dollar signs and Branson knows what he's doing and caught them out. (keep your eyes peeled for corruption/politcians changing jobs in this area)
What I don't understand is that exactly the same thing happened with the East Coast a few years back and no one learned anything.
Morons, well done Branson, you're making the Government look stupid by just being open and honest.