Re: UK unemployment rises to 2.68m : Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:36 pm
Rather than ponder over whether Clegg did or didn't use the c-word intentionally or otherwise (not in my opinion) I think we are all missing the major point which is wrapped up in the current youth unemployment debate/new initiative, and that is the presentation of the nations 16 to 24 years olds as being idle scroungers who just sit around all day watching TV.In the same way that the disabled do, idle scroungers sitting around watching TV all day, etc, etc...
The truth is of course that there are very few job opportunities for school leavers of any age or qualification and the window of opportunity to be taken on by an employer and not cast adrift on a scrapheap of unemployability is very narrow, I consider my two 18-24 year olds to be very lucky to be in full time work but I am not so quick to condemn all young people as being unemployable, lazy scroungers, just kids in the wrong place in the wrong era.