Quote Ski="Ski"Band Aid takes the worst song ever. Not only is it an awful song, it lies.'"
Rubbish. Great song. Achieved a huge amount, probably holds a barrel of memories and emotions for anyone around at that time, and is about as intertwined with Christmas as you can get.
Quote Ski="sally cinnamon"One bugbear of mine is why on Christmas LPs you have random songs with nothing to do with Christmas, that were released around Christmas, like that annoying stay another day song by East 17 and that Frankie goes to Hollywood song that goes "ayeayeayeaye feels like fire..."'"
Probably because they were released with the Christmas No.1 in mind (East 17 were No.1 in 1994 and FGTH were only beaten to No.1 by Band Aid in 1984), and again, they probably hold memories and emotions for that reason. The FGTH single is a classic of the 80s with a brilliantly cheesy Nativity video (albeit with no connection to the lyrics!) - it brings back loads of memories and feelings for me of Christmases in the 80s with my family, and East 17 is seen similarly by kids of the 90s - my Mrs loves it for the same reasons.
That's what makes a Christmas song for me. Not the musical content, lyrics, chart success or whatever is considered 'cool', but what it means to you personally.
A song doesn't have to be about, or include the word Christmas for is to be a 'Christmas song'.